Parties Prenantes Agenda
November 14 - November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Opening of the exhibition Per Diem
Jeanette Chavez, Núria Güell, Francisco Masó, Adrián Melis, Levi Orta, Yali Romagoza, Alejandro Ulloa
December 5 - December 20, 2009
Harrell Fletcher, Jennifer Delos Reyes & Katherine Ball, Ariana Jacob, Avalon Kalin, Alec Neal, Sara Roach, Sandy Sampson,
Cyrus Smith, Lexa Walsh, Jason Zimmerman
+ participants from: ENSA Paris Cergy - ARC Kiss Me Deadly, ENSA Paris-Val de Seine...
Thursday December 18, 2009 at 7:30pm: 12 Gestures / first guest: Harrell Fletcher
A seminar proposed by Bétonsalon and Kadist Art Foundation, for The Public School.
This seminar is the result of a collaboration between the Public school, which opened at Bétonsalon in September 2009 and a project initiated by Kadist Art Foundation’s philanthropic and artistic branches bringing together an artist and an NGO.
Conceived as a series of interventions programmed over one year, this seminar focuses on artistic practices that question the social sphere through the acquaintance of a community in a specific geographical, political and social context.
The course will present experiences which keep questioning the role of the artist, curator or art centre outside of exhibition making, when the distance between artist and citizen tends to erase.
We would rather use the term ‘gesture’ than ‘action’ since these projects are often modest and very local; their goal might not to change things but simply to raise a certain awareness.
Examining realized projects in details, the seminar will question the definition of so-called ‘social practices’ in the field of art and will underline words such as ‘activism’, ‘engagement’, ‘collective’, ‘community’, ‘democracy’, ‘dissensus’… as well as the possible risks: instrumentalization and demagogical participation.
Interventions will be given in English.
December 19, 2009, at 5pm : opening of the exhibition ’Parties Prenantes: Info Point’
Parties Prenantes: Info Point is an exhibition of informational displays that have been created to represent the interests and knowledge of people who are in the ZAC Paris Rive Gauche. These displays are made collaboratively with people from the neighborhood and associates of Portland State University MFA Art and Social Practice Concentration. Similar to the format of a science fair or a conference poster session, displays are produced that communicate the research, interests, and positions of the involved parties.
Art and Social Practice starts and ends not in rarified spaces, but out in the world, although there are intersections with studios/galleries when necessary or appropriate. This way of working is not restricted to any medium, but instead uses various forms, methods, and approaches as the situation dictates. Sometimes Art Social Practice might look more like sociology, anthropology, social work, journalism, or environmentalism than art, yet it retains the intention of creating significance and appreciation between the audience and artists.
Associates of Portland State University MFA Art and Social Practice Concentration include: Jennifer Delos Reyes, Harrell Fletcher, Ariana Jacob, Sandy Sampson, Lexa Walsh, Jason Zimmerman, Avalon Kalin, Cyrus Smith and Katherine Ball with Sarah Roach and Alec Neal.
January 16 - January 30, 2010
With : Nathalie Blanc, Damien Bright, Dominique Dehais, Elsa Delberghe, Emmanuel Doutriaux, Bastien Gallet, Camila Gomes Sant Anna, Franck Leibovici, Patrice Maniglier, Emilie Marc, Axel Meunier, Valérie Pihet, Lucille Uhlrich, Tommaso Venturini
and Université Paris Diderot -Paris 7, ENSA Paris Val de Seine, Sciences Po Paris, La Forme des Idées
Saturday January 16, 2010
14h : Performance by Emilie Marc et Lucille Uhlrich
15h : La dalle au dessus des voies ferrées est la terre de Paris Rive Gauche. Performance by Axel Meunier and Damien Bright, with Arnaud Bichon
16h : Lire la ZAC. by Nathalie Blanc
Saturday January 30, 2010
14h : ZAC Pictionary : Dessine moi une ZAC
(La face cachée de la ZAC or Toute la vérité sur la ZAC or Voyage au bout de la ZAC)