The "midideux" filmed at Bétonsalon - Center for Art and Research, in partnership with Paris Diderot University.
An opportunity to discover varied research, echoing the installation of Candice Lin and to attend to the evolution and progressive cutting of the room made of unfired porcelain during the final weeks of the exhibition.
Thursday, December 7, 12:30, Crossing the world’s ocean. Or why did Europeans go looking for porcelain all the way to Guangzhou?
Sébastien Pautet, PhD student in Modern History, Sorbonne Paris Cité University (USPC), Paris Diderot University, U.F.R. Geography, History, Economy and Societies (GHES), laboratory Identités-Cultures-Territoires (Identities-Cultures-Territories) (EA 337)
Friday, December 8, 12:30, From Discovery to the measure of the world: new functions of travel in the age of Enlightenment.
Marie-Noëlle Bourguet, professor emeritus of modern history at Paris Diderot University
Thursday, December 14th, 12:30, Around the room
Pascal Dibie, ethnologist, professor emeritus at Paris Diderot University
Wednesday, December 20th, 12:30, The color of things. Segregation and everyday objects in the United States
Paul Schor, historian, lecturer at the UFR of English Studies at Paris Diderot University (UMR LARCA)
Friday, December 22, 12:30, Crossings: the bodies of history and the end of a world
Pauline Vermeren, PhD in Political Philosophy and Affiliated Researcher at the Laboratoire de changement social et politique (Laboratory for Social and Political Change) (LCSP) at Paris Diderot University